Set this option to X and your receiver will work with flight controllers
Встановіть значення в X, і ваш приймач працюватиме з польотними контролерами
Встановіть значення в X, і ваш приймач працюватиме з польотними контролерами
Select your flight controllers serial device below
Your receiver has just recovered from receiver failsafe but the arm switch is on
International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers’ Association
Plug in your FC to your computer, but do NOT connect to betaflight configurator
multi-option fuze for artillery (MOFA)
Make sure your ESCs are properly set up to reflect the state of the sliders
your rates will be set to a default curve
This method allows you to flash your receiver or transmitter
UART for the receiver must be set to ‘Serial Rx’
Your flight controller does not have a compatible dataflash chip available
Your flight controller does not have an integrated BetaFlight OSD
Your flight controller isn't responding to OSD commands
Your flight controller's firmware does not support Blackbox logging
Your flight controller's firmware does not support transponder functionality
Your flight controller's firmware is too old to support this tab
Set the values dispalyed on the post flight statistics screen
Make sure your motors spin up reliably on arm and in the correct direction
Turn off your radio and try again
Welcome to ESC - Configurator, a utility designed to simplify updating and configuring of your ESCs
attitude set and gimbal position display
Set motor spin direction by selecting and spinning each motor individually