National System for Geospatial-Intelligence (NSG)

National Technical Information Center

National War College

national weather service (NWS)

NATO Accessory Rail (NAR)

NATO Accounting Unit (NAU)

NATO affirmed forces

NATO agency

NATO Airborne Early Warning and Control Force

NATO Ammunition Safety Group

NATO Army Armaments Group (NAAG)

NATO assigned forces

NATO Automated Command, Control and Information System

NATO Battlefield Information Collection and Exploitation System Agency (BICES)

NATO Codification System (NCS)

NATO command forces

NATO Command Structure (NCS)

NATO commander

NATO committed forces

NATO Committee for Standardization

NATO common interoperability standard

NATO Communication and Information Systems Services Agency (NCSA)

NATO Communications and Information Agency (NCIA / NCI Agency)

NATO Computer Incident Response Capability Coordination Centre

NATO Consultation, Command and Control Organisation

NATO contributiong nation (NCC)

NATO crisis response system (NCRS)

NATO crossover

NATO Defence Planning Process (NDPP)

NATO Defense College (NDC)

NATO defenseplanning

NATO deployable forces

NATO Depot Support System (NDSS)

NATO earmarked forces

NATO Europe early warning system standard operating procedures

NATO Expansion

NATO external adaptation

NATO Force Structure (NFS)

NATO fundamental security tasks

NATO glossary of terms and definitions

NATO glossary of terms and definitions (AAP-06)

NATO Headquarters Consultation, Command and Control Staff (NHQC3S)

NATO Information and Documentation Centre (NIDC) Kyiv, Ukraine

NATO Integrated Air defense System

NATO Integrated Communications System

NATO Integrated Data Service

NATO Intelligence Liaison Unit

NATO Intelligence Warning System (NIWS)

NATO internal adaptation

NATO Joint Force Training Centre (JFTC)

NATO joint subregional commander

NATO-led operation

NATO-led Partnership for Peace operation

NATO Maintenance and Supply Agency (NAMSA)

NATO Maritime Intelligence Coordination Centre

NATO maritime presence

NATO Master Cross Reference List (NMCRL) (logistics)

NATO military authority (NMA)

NATO military command structure

NATO Naval Forces Sensors and Weapons Accuracy Check Sites

NATO off-the-shelf

NATO Office of Security (NOS)

NATO organization

NATO Parliamentary Assembly

NATO Partnership for Peace Trust Fund

NATO/PfP military exercise

NATO Pipeline System (NPS)

NATO Political-Military Steering Committee

NATO port

NATO Precautionary System (NPS)

NATO Production and Logistics Organizations (NPLOs)

NATO Programme of Work for defenseagainst Terrorism (DAT)

NATO regional commander

NATO reporting name

NATO Response Force (NRF)

NATO Review

NATO School

NATO Science Partnership Prize

NATO Science Programme

NATO Sea Sparrow Surface Missile System

NATO Security Committee (NSC)

NATO Security Principles for the Storage of Military Ammunition and Explosives

NATO Special Committee

NATO Special Operations Headquarters (NSHQ)

NATO standard

NATO standard ammunition

NATO Standardization Agency (NSA)

NATO standardization agreement (STANAG)

NATO stock number (NSN)

NATO strategic commander

NATO strategic communication

NATO Strategic Concept

NATO Supply Centre

NATO Supply Class

NATO Supply Classification Group (NSCG)

NATO Supply Code for Manufacturing (NSCM)

NATO Supply Group

NATO sustainable forces

NATO technical interoperability standard

NATO Theater Nuclear Weapons forces
