U-joint (universal joint / universal coupling)
U.S. Aids to Navigation System
UBACS / Under Body Armour Combat Shirt
UGL pouch (UGL / Underslung Grenade Launcher)
UHF-band (ultrahigh frequency)
UHF radio receiver transmitter (RRT)
uhlan (lance; lancer; lances; ulan)
Ukraine Defence Contact Group (UCG)
Ukraine Defense Contact Group (UDCG) / Ramstein group
Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative (USAI)
UKUSA (The United Kingdom – United States of America Agreement)
ultimate destination (final destination)
ultralight ceramic composite armor
UN Commission on Sustainable Development
UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
UN-led International Police Task Force
unclassified (security classification)
uncrewed aerial combat vehicle (UACV)
uncrewed aerial kamikaze drone
Uncrewed Air(craft) / Aerial System (UAS)
uncrewed ground kamikaze drone
undeclared member of the intelligence or counter-intelligence agencies
under armor auxiliary power unit (UAAPU)
under barrel grenade launcher (UBGL)
under cover of civilian research
under cover of the Consulate General
Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (USD AT&L)
Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence USD(I)
Under Secretary of Defense (USD)
under suspicion of posing a threat to democracy
under-vehicle improvised explosive device (UVIED)