T-shirt combat anti-static brown
table of distribution and allowance
table of distribution and allowance unit
Table of Organization and Equipment (TO&E / TOE; T/E, T/O)
tables of distribution and allowance
tactical air battle management system
tactical air control centre (TACC)
tactical air control party (TACP)
tactical air control system (TACS)
tactical air navigation system
TACtical Air Navigation (TACAN)
Tactical Air Support Party (TASP)
tactical air-to-surface standoff missile
tactical air transport operations
tactical area of responsibility (TAOR)
tactical armored patrol vehicle (TAPV)
tactical ballistic missile (TBM)
tactical battle management functions (TBMF)
tactical / combat / assault / ballistic
tactical combat casualty care (TCCC)
tactical cover and deception estimate
Tactical Digital Information Link (TADIL)
tactical electronic warfare aircraft
tactical expendable drone system
tactical fighter reconnaissance wing
tactical fighter training wing
tactical fuel handling equipment (TFHE)
tactical ground transportation support
Tactical Hearing Protection System (THPS)
tactical munitions dispenser (TMD)
tactical nuclear weapon stockpile
tactical operations center (TOC)
tactical special security office
tactical standing operating procedures
TACtical Standing Operating Procedures (TACSOP)
tactical support syn. combat support
tactical theater nuclear forces (TTNF)
tactical unmanned aerial vehicle (TUAV)
tactical unmanned air vehicle (TUAV)
tactical unmanned aircraft system (TUAS)