File name not found in hex file, check your hex file version!
- Ім'я файлу не знайдено в hex file, перевірте вашу версію hex file!
- Ім'я файлу не знайдено в hex file, перевірте вашу версію hex file!
Not matching MCU type, check your hex file!
Plug in your FC to your computer, but do NOT connect to betaflight configurator
Firmware image contains addresses not found on target device
Select firmware version for your board
You need to upgrade your firmware to the latest version of Betaflight before you can use the X tab
Mass storage mode can not be activated because the storage device is not ready
Prearm switch is not activated or prearm has not been toggled after disarm
This operation is not supported by your hardware
Your device seems to be not compatible
Your flight controller does not have a compatible dataflash chip available
Your flight controller does not have an integrated BetaFlight OSD
Your flight controller's firmware does not support Blackbox logging
Your flight controller's firmware does not support transponder functionality
Always check that your Failsafe is working properly!
check your internet connection
no official Betaflight target was found
No presets found for the given search parameters
The Betaflight wiki can be found <a "docs/wiki" >here
The Build Config and Bulid Log links to the cloud information found by the Build key
indicate how many GPS satellites were found