document hardware on which you have successfully flashed and tested Bluejay by (adding it to the Wiki)
задокументувати на якому апараті ви успішно прошили та протестували Bluejay (додавши його до Wiki)
задокументувати на якому апараті ви успішно прошили та протестували Bluejay (додавши його до Wiki)
The Betaflight wiki can be found <a "docs/wiki" >here
Only flash firmware if you are fully aware what you are doing.
You need to connect before you can view any of the tabs
You need to upgrade your firmware to the latest version of Betaflight before you can use the X tab
You don't have write permissions for this file
Betaflight documentation is available in release notes and wiki
currently flashed firmware is mistagged!
Configurator has successfully detected and verified the board
base of operations within a foreign country with which a resident spy may liaise
in the period in which the communications channel has been open
At which temperature the ESC will shut down
Frequency at which the Pit Mode changes when enabled
Resets all motor spin directions, then allows the user to choose which to reverse
Functional Hardware and Software Contour (FHSC)