Послідовний порт успішно відкрито з
Opened serial port
Serial port successfully closed
USB device successfully opened with
serial peripheral interface port
Failed to close serial port
open serial port
Serial port configurations of firmware is not supported
Select Serial Port
select the correct serial port
select valid serial port
Serial Port
triggered by newly detected serial port
port side / port-side
Opened / Closed
opened by censor
Firmware binary file was opened in the file explorer
Backup saved successfully
Configuration restored successfully
Configurator has successfully detected and verified the board
Erased X kB of flash successfully
document hardware on which you have successfully flashed and tested Bluejay by (adding it to the Wiki)
USB device successfully closed
battalion serial
march serial
Serial No
vehicle serial
1S, 2S, 3S, 4S, 5S, 6S etc. (S - serial / sequential)
parachute serial
serial assignment table
serial bombing
serial number