when GPS has fix
коли GPS (вже) отримав координати (стосується дронів)
коли GPS (вже) отримав координати (стосується дронів)
Instantaneous battery consumption in mAh/distance (Requires valid GPS fix)
Number of satellites providing GPS fix
Shows GPS info, if proper activated in Ports tab, Configuration Tab and GPS tab
find, fix, finish, exploit, analyze, and disseminate (F3EAD)
hardened aircraft shelter (HAS)
disrupt, fix, turn or block the enemy force
in the period in which the communications channel has been open
Beep when armed and RC smoothing has not initialized filters
Beeps when gyro has been calibrated
Configuration has been applied
Configurator has successfully detected and verified the board
Failsafe configuration has changed considerably
fix these problems before attempting to fly your craft
required number of satellites has not been fixed
Flight controller firmware has to support this feature.
Paralyze mode has been activated
Prearm switch is not activated or prearm has not been toggled after disarm
Runway Takeoff Prevention has been triggered
The accelerometer has not been calibrated and features are enabled that rely on it