Beeps when gyro has been calibrated
Звуковий сигнал лунає, коли гіроскоп відкалібровано (стосується дронів)
Звуковий сигнал лунає, коли гіроскоп відкалібровано (стосується дронів)
The accelerometer has not been calibrated and features are enabled that rely on it
in the period in which the communications channel has been open
Configuration has been applied
required number of satellites has not been fixed
Paralyze mode has been activated
Prearm switch is not activated or prearm has not been toggled after disarm
Total time the craft has been armed in the current power cycle
Total time the craft has been powered on
Beeps SOS when armed and TX is turned off or signal lost
Beeps when TX is turned off or signal lost
initialisation beeps when board is powered on
Longer warning beeps when battery is critically low (repeats)
Setting volume of the startup beeps too high might damage the motors