Configuration has been applied
Конфігурація була застосована (стосується дронів)
Конфігурація була застосована (стосується дронів)
in the period in which the communications channel has been open
Beeps when gyro has been calibrated
required number of satellites has not been fixed
Paralyze mode has been activated
Prearm switch is not activated or prearm has not been toggled after disarm
Runway Takeoff Prevention has been triggered
The accelerometer has not been calibrated and features are enabled that rely on it
Total time the craft has been armed in the current power cycle
Total time the craft has been powered on
Your radio has been detected to be on!
Configuration changes have been detected
Failsafe configuration has changed considerably
Maximum amount of braking applied (complementary PWM duty cycle)
Normally, a board will not work properly unless custom defaults are applied
data might not have been written correctly
Voltage and/or amperage meter sources have been changed but not saved
hardened aircraft shelter (HAS)
Beep when armed and RC smoothing has not initialized filters