Beep when armed and RC smoothing has not initialized filters
Звуковий сигнал при взведенні, коли згладжування команд пульта не ініціалізувало фільтри (стосується дронів)
Звуковий сигнал при взведенні, коли згладжування команд пульта не ініціалізувало фільтри (стосується дронів)
Prearm switch is not activated or prearm has not been toggled after disarm
The accelerometer has not been calibrated and features are enabled that rely on it
required number of satellites has not been fixed
Total time craft has been armed on current power cycle
Total time the craft has been armed in the current power cycle
Mass storage mode can not be activated because the storage device is not ready
The channels smoothing applies to
when RC Smoothing initialization failed
Configurator has successfully detected and verified the board
Beep a special tone when arming the board
Beep when arming the flightcontroller
Beep when blackbox erase completes
Beep when crash flip mode is active
Beep when disarming the flightcontroller