визначати місце
position fix
find, fix, finish, exploit, analyze, and disseminate (F3EAD)
Fix bayonets!
fix enemy units
radio fix
disrupt, fix, turn or block the enemy force
fix a point
running fix
radar fix
3D Fix
fix these problems before attempting to fly your craft
Instantaneous battery consumption in mAh/distance (Requires valid GPS fix)
Number of satellites providing GPS fix
Waiting for GPS 3D fix…
when GPS has fix
launching position (missile position)
changeover from travelling position to fire position
position and navigation unit / position navigation unit (PNU)
in position / in-position
alternate position
angular position
artillery position
attack position
battle position
bivouac (area / position)
blocking position
concealed position
consolidation of a position
covered position
defensive position
direct laying position