(ав.) район бойових дій
Air defense and Airspace Management Directorate (NATO)
airspace and traffic management
airspace control (AC)
airspace control area
airspace control authority
Airspace Control Means (ACMs)
Airspace Control Measure Request (ACMREQ)
Airspace Control Order (ACO)
airspace control plan
airspace management
Airspace Management Section (NATO IS)
Allied Joint Doctrine for Airspace Control (AJP-3.3.5)
prevention of incidents at sea and in the associated airspace
restricted area (airspace)
TRML-4D radar (нім. Telefunken Radar Mobil Luftraumüberwachung / Telefunken mobile airspace surveilance radar)
airspace coordinating measures (ACMs)
airspace control zone (DACZ)
high-density airspace control zone (HIDACZ)
sovereign airspace / air sovereignty
ensure safety in the airspace
enter hostile airspace
controlled airspace
advisory airspace
specified airspace
Agreement on Civil Aviation and Airspace Utilization
task force on airport and airspace congestion
airspace system
instrument restricted airspace
National Airspace System (NAS)
uncontrolled airspace
airspace prohibited area