Air defense and Airspace Management Directorate (NATO)
Директорат з протиповітряної оборони та організації використання повітряного простору (НАТО)
Директорат з протиповітряної оборони та організації використання повітряного простору (НАТО)
defense and Security Directorate (NATO)
Defense Policy and Capabilities Directorate (NATO)
Airspace Management Section (NATO IS)
airspace and traffic management
Armaments Planning, Programmes and Policy Directorate (NATO IS)
Euro-Atlantic Integration and Partnership Directorate (NATO)
Armaments Directorate (NATO IS)
HQ Support Services Directorate (NATO)
Nuclear Policy Directorate (NATO)
Science Cooperation Directorate (NATO)
Chief Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine
Directorate of Highways and Highway Transportation
General Management of the NATO C3
Life Cycle Management Group (NATO)
Defense Policy and Partnership Section (NATO)
Defense Policy and Planning Division (DPP, NATO)
Infrastructure and Defense Manpower Committee (NATO)
prevention of incidents at sea and in the associated airspace