входити в повітряний простір противника
enter the net
do not enter
enter operational service
enter the war
enter into fire
enter into fire for effect
Enter failsafe stage X manually
Enter frequency directly
Units in volts multipiled by 100 (to cut off at 3.3v enter 330 for example)
Allied Joint Doctrine for Recovery of Personnel in a Hostile Environment (AJP-3.7)
hostile act
hostile action
hostile activity and influences
hostile aircraft
hostile boarding
hostile counterpart
hostile environment
hostile fire pay
hostile intent
hostile observation
hostile shore
hostile territory
hostile unit
roll up the hostile flanks
swift entry into hostile territory
break up hostile attack formations
degradation of hostile emitters
hostile battery history sheet
hostile encounter
screen hostile observation
Hostile Environment Awareness Training (HEAT)
avenues of approach within the hostile positions