Battery/Amperage/Voltage configurations using API 1.33.0 (Betaflight release = 3.17) is not supported.
Налаштування батареї/струму/напруги з використанням API 1.33.0 (Betaflight release = 3.17) не підтримуються.
Налаштування батареї/струму/напруги з використанням API 1.33.0 (Betaflight release = 3.17) не підтримуються.
Serial port configurations of firmware is not supported
Non - Betaflight firmware is not supported, except for CLI mode
Voltage and/or amperage meter sources have been changed but not saved
Make sure you are using the latest firmware Betaflight X or newer
Plug in your FC to your computer, but do NOT connect to betaflight configurator
Your flight controller does not have an integrated BetaFlight OSD
Average cell voltage (main battery voltage / cell count)
Betaflight documentation is available in release notes and wiki
Using cached release information for X releases
Layout revision is not yet supported
This operation is not supported by your hardware
Mass storage mode can not be activated because the storage device is not ready
Prearm switch is not activated or prearm has not been toggled after disarm
Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) / voltage standing-wave ratio