армія ядерної / атомної ери (епохи)
age limit for military service
age of moon
draft age
sex and age disaggregated data (SADD)
use age
age bracket
age group
age hump
age limit
age-in-grade requirement
air cover(age)
atomic army
Army Fuels and Lubricants Working Party (ARMY F&LWP)
Queen's Regulations for the Army and the Royal Army Reserve
green army (regular army as opposed to special forces etc.)
atomic / nuclear weapons
atomic bomb (A-bomb)
atomic control
atomic demolition munition(s) (ADMs), ‘nuclear land mines’
atomic demolitions munitions company (ADM co)
atomic explosion
atomic heat
atomic pile
atomic protection
atomic shelter
atomic threat
atomic war / warfare
atomic weaponry
battlefield atomic weapon
nuclear weapon; atomic weapon
atomic absorption coefficient
atomic bomb simulator