збройні сили, оснащені ядерною зброєю; армія, оснащена ядерною зброєю
atomic-age army
Army Fuels and Lubricants Working Party (ARMY F&LWP)
Queen's Regulations for the Army and the Royal Army Reserve
green army (regular army as opposed to special forces etc.)
atomic / nuclear weapons
atomic bomb (A-bomb)
atomic control
atomic demolition munition(s) (ADMs), ‘nuclear land mines’
atomic demolitions munitions company (ADM co)
atomic explosion
atomic heat
atomic pile
atomic protection
atomic shelter
atomic threat
atomic war / warfare
atomic weaponry
battlefield atomic weapon
nuclear weapon; atomic weapon
atomic absorption coefficient
atomic bomb simulator
atomic close-range combat
atomic killing area
tactical atomic attack
tactical atomic bomb
tactical atomic fire power
tactical atomic missile
tactical atomic support
tactical atomic weapon
atomic action
atomic artillery battalion
atomic artillery fire support