Робоча підгрупа з ПММ СВ
fuels and lubricants
remove & repair (R&R; R & R)
remove & replace (R&R; R & R)
remove & restore (R&R; R & R)
fuel and lubricants quality
Directions & Guidance (D&G)
planning & scheduling (P&S)
planning boards & committees (PB&Cs)
working party
working detail (party)
Army Mobilization and Operations Planning & Execution System (AMOPES)
petroleum, oil, lubricants (POL)
retention of lubricants
capillary lubricants
frictional characteristic of lubricants
dispensing (fuels)
distillation (fuels quality control)
fuels exercise
fuels interoperability
ground fuels
naval distillate (fuels)
naval fuels
pour point (fuels)
Ad Hoc Working Group on Small Arms and Light Weapons and Mine Action (NATO)
Queen's Regulations for the Army and the Royal Army Reserve
acquisition, technology, and logistics (AT&L)
Evasion and Recovery (E&R)
indications and warnings (I&W)
Logistics and Resources Division (L&R)
movement and transportation (M&T)
operations and maintenance (O&M)
operations and support (O&S)