when GPS Rescue is not available and cannot be activated
коли GPS порятунок недоступний і не може бути активований
коли GPS порятунок недоступний і не може бути активований
Shows GPS info, if proper activated in Ports tab, Configuration Tab and GPS tab
Mass storage mode can not be activated because the storage device is not ready
Prearm switch is not activated or prearm has not been toggled after disarm
The 'GPS Rescue' switch was activated
The amount of available ESCs does not match what the flight controller is reporting
Your flight controller does not have a compatible dataflash chip available
Enable 'GPS Rescue' to return the craft to the location where it was last armed
Warns when GPS Rescue is disabled
smart target-activated fire-and-forget projectile (STAFF proj)
mission, enemy, terrain (and weather), troops, time available, civil considerations (METT-TC)
Betaflight documentation is available in release notes and wiki
laser-activated silicon controlled rectifier
light-activated silicon switch
Shows Sonar info, if proper activated in Configuration Tab
Warns when flip over after crash mode is activated
When arming, wait for this switch to be activated before actually arming
when Launch Control mode is activated
Beep when armed and RC smoothing has not initialized filters
The accelerometer has not been calibrated and features are enabled that rely on it
Voltage and/or amperage meter sources have been changed but not saved
embedded global-positioning and inertial-navigation system (EGI) / embedded GPS/INS