офіцер з рядових (що був підвищений у званні під час служби)
commissioned ranks
non-commissioned officers and enlisted ranks
non-commissioned ranks
be commissioned from the ranks
non-commissioned officer (NCO) / noncomissioned officer
commissioned officer (ComO)
fire support non-commissioned officer
non commissioned officer in command (NCOIC)
commissioned warrant officer
field officer (field-grade officer / senior officer)
commissioned strength
commissioned staff
non-commissioned officers
active commissioned service
commissioned grade
commissioned rank
commissioned service
commissioned slot
junior ranks
ranks (the) / rank and file
reduce to the ranks
revert to the ranks
rise from the ranks
purge the party's ranks
fight in the ranks (of a regiment etc.)
in the first ranks
in the ranks
in the ranks of the army
position in the ranks
remain in the ranks
service in the ranks