стройова служба (зазвичай, на посадах рядового та сержантського складу)
junior ranks
officer commissioned from the ranks
ranks (the) / rank and file
reduce to the ranks
revert to the ranks
rise from the ranks
purge the party's ranks
fight in the ranks (of a regiment etc.)
in the first ranks
in the ranks
in the ranks of the army
position in the ranks
remain in the ranks
close the ranks
shattered ranks
commissioned ranks
enlisted ranks
non-commissioned officers and enlisted ranks
non-commissioned ranks
depletion of ranks
branch (military/service branch, armed service)
separate from active service / the service
Y service (Y-service) / Y-station
regional meteorological service/ regional weather service (RWS)
emergency service / emergency operations service
active military service
active service/ duty
administrative service
aerodrome control service
age limit for military service
air traffic control service
air traffic service (ATS)