офіцерський склад
joint staff (J / JS / J-staff)
commissioned officer (ComO)
commissioned strength
officer commissioned from the ranks
fire support non-commissioned officer
non commissioned officer in command (NCOIC)
non-commissioned officers
active commissioned service
commissioned grade
commissioned rank
commissioned service
commissioned slot
commissioned warrant officer
commissioned ranks
non-commissioned officers and enlisted ranks
non-commissioned ranks
be commissioned from the ranks
non-commissioned officer (NCO) / noncomissioned officer
air staff
Armed Forces Staff College
Armed Service Staff
army staff
Assistant Chief of Staff - Operations & Plans (G3)
augmentation staff
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS)
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction (CJCSI)
Chief of Staff (C-of-S; CofS, CoS)
Chief of Staff, United States Air Force (CSUSAF)
Chief of Staff, United States Army (CSUSA)
Chief of the General Staff (of the Armed Forces of Ukraine)
Chief Staff Officer