в лавах армії
Army Fuels and Lubricants Working Party (ARMY F&LWP)
Queen's Regulations for the Army and the Royal Army Reserve
green army (regular army as opposed to special forces etc.)
junior ranks
officer commissioned from the ranks
ranks (the) / rank and file
reduce to the ranks
revert to the ranks
rise from the ranks
purge the party's ranks
fight in the ranks (of a regiment etc.)
in the first ranks
in the ranks
position in the ranks
remain in the ranks
service in the ranks
close the ranks
shattered ranks
commissioned ranks
enlisted ranks
non-commissioned officers and enlisted ranks
non-commissioned ranks
depletion of ranks
Army (ground forces / land forces)
army air defense command
army artillery
army aviation (AA)
army aviation support
army basic combat training
army claims system
army combat uniform (ACU)