час гідравлічного затримання вод на очисній споруді (ЗМУ)
solid retention time
retention of terrain
staff retention
retention behavior
retention index monitoring
retention of records
cylinder retention stud
retention flange
retention of lubricants
oil retention stability
voluntary retention on active duty
economic retention stock
selective retention
permissive retention
personnel retention
zone standard time (zone time) (ZST)
time to climb / climb time
time-gain control / gain time control
real time kinematic / real-time kinematic (RTK)
takeoff time (T time)
Date and time from real time clock
Real time clock date / time
crushing by hydraulic press
directional-control hydraulic valve
hydraulic and insulating oils
hydraulic lock
hydraulic oil
hydraulic power
hydraulic power unit
hydraulic propulsion unit
hydraulic recoil mechanism