бойовий порядок вогневої групи в колону
file leader
intelligence file
move in single/in Indian file
rank-and-file member
ranks (the) / rank and file
staggered file
file a suspicious transaction report
active back-order file
march single file
spare file
target file
target file-card
single file
in single file
at the head of the file
case control file
canine team (K-9) (dog team)
aerobatic team / aerobatics team
fire(-fire) party {team)
slant fire; diagonal fire; oblique fire; fire to the oblique
fire support team (FIST) (FST)
fire team
cavalry troop fire support team
fire team wedge
lead fire team
trail fire team
fire-control team
fire team battle drill range
fire-support team
fire control orders (FCO) ('Hold Fire', 'Cease Fire' and 'Engage')
air control team