справа з незадоволеними поточними заявками
File name not found in hex file, check your hex file version!
Firmware binary file was opened in the file explorer
back-to-back circuit
back-to-back connection
back-to-back radio stations
back-to-back relay
back order
order to active
voluntary order on recall to active duty
file leader
intelligence file
move in single/in Indian file
rank-and-file member
ranks (the) / rank and file
staggered file
fire team file
file a suspicious transaction report
march single file
spare file
target file
target file-card
single file
in single file
at the head of the file
case control file
personality file
rank and file
HEX file appears to be corrupted
Automatically loaded previous log file 1
Could not get file for flashing
check file type