учасник операції під чужим прапором (про розвідку / термін спецслужб)
false flag operation
flag of truce / a white flag
electronic false target generation
false information
false northing (easting) value
false origin (naut.)
false trunnion
false crest
false edge
false muzzle
false-crest the target
intelligence officer living under false identity
intelligence officer working under false identity
false alarm
false alert
false warning
false spar
spread of false stories
false return
false target
cell averaging constant false alarm rate
moving target indicator constant false alarm rate
zero-crossing constant false alarm rate
constant false alarm rate (CFAR)
constant false alarm rate (CFAR) detection
constant false-alarm-rate receiver (CFAR)
Operation False Target
dip the flag
flag bridge
flag marker
flag of convenience
flag officer