використовувати природну перешкоду (в оборонних цілях тощо)
natural obstacle
develop intelligence
natural and man-made
natural concealment
natural disaster
natural features
natural forward position
natural respiratory pause
develop the enemy situation
develop the situation
MADACAP (M.A.D.A.C.A.P) (mnemonic / acronym for Mission, Analysis, Develop, Analyze, Compare, Approve, Produce)
develop information
natural background radiation
natural dangerous factors
develop the attack
develop a target
target does not develop
develop fires
develop unit cohesion
surveillance by natural vision
compressed natural gas (fuel) (CNG)
develop favorable conditions
antiboat obstacle
antipersonnel obstacle
antipersonnel obstacle breaching system (APOBS)
antitank obstacle
antivehicular obstacle
artificial obstacle
barbed wire obstacle
beach obstacle
composite obstacle
concrete obstacle