(відпрацьовувати) розвивати злагодженість підрозділу
unit cohesion
cohesion of forces
break up the cohesion
Cohesion Fund
develop intelligence
develop the enemy situation
develop the situation
MADACAP (M.A.D.A.C.A.P) (mnemonic / acronym for Mission, Analysis, Develop, Analyze, Compare, Approve, Produce)
develop information
develop the attack
develop a natural obstacle
develop a target
target does not develop
develop fires
develop favorable conditions
battery coolant unit / battery-coolant unit (BCU)
gear reduction unit / gear-reduction unit
position and navigation unit / position navigation unit (PNU)
pinch (a unit) out of a large unit
administrative support unit
air assault infantry unit
air defense fire unit
air filtration unit
alarm unit
armored cavalry unit
armored unit
artillery unit
assault unit
attached unit
attacking unit
auxiliary power unit (APU)