природне положення, при якому погляд направлений прямо вперед
natural and man-made
natural concealment
natural disaster
natural features
natural obstacle
natural respiratory pause
natural background radiation
natural dangerous factors
develop a natural obstacle
surveillance by natural vision
compressed natural gas (fuel) (CNG)
forward observer (FO), forward observation officer; (artillery) observer / spotter
forward position
forward defensive position
full-forward position
launching position (missile position)
changeover from travelling position to fire position
position and navigation unit / position navigation unit (PNU)
in position / in-position
forward air control
forward air controller (FAC)
forward area
forward area signal center
forward area weapon (FAW)
forward arming and refueling point (FARP)
forward base
forward combat elements
forward communications company
forward defense area
forward deployment
forward direction center