удосконалювати систему вогню
develop intelligence
develop the enemy situation
develop the situation
MADACAP (M.A.D.A.C.A.P) (mnemonic / acronym for Mission, Analysis, Develop, Analyze, Compare, Approve, Produce)
develop information
develop the attack
develop a natural obstacle
develop a target
target does not develop
develop unit cohesion
develop favorable conditions
air-delivered fires
combat functions (warfighting functions WFF) - Command and Control; Intelligence; Fires; Movement and Maneuver; Protection; Sustainment
conventional and nuclear fires
deep fires
group of fires
joint and multinational fires
joint fires
long-range precision fires (LRPF / missile)
long-range precision indirect fires
on-call fires tab
priority of fires
warfighting functions (WFF - command and control; intelligence; fires; movement and maneuver; protection; sustainment)
joint fires observer (JFO)
Fires Cell
fires warfighting function
converge fires
Precision Fires Image (PFI) viewer
Army Joint Fires Observer (JFO) Sustainment Program
chief of fires
clearance of fires
echelonment of fires