галузевий акт з охорони праці
supervision after labour precaution
branch (military/service branch, armed service)
pioneer and civil labour unit
driving precaution
Allied Command Transformation (ACT)
commit (an act of) sabotage
hostile act
integrated act of firing
National Emergencies Act
observe, orient, decide, act (OODA loop)
official Secrets Act
regulatory legal act
selective service act
terrorist act
unfriendly act
binding act
Final Act
act as an agent of influence for
act of ideological subversion
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
act in obedience to an order
act of war
Visiting Forces Act
act as security
Service Extension Act
Observe, Orient, Decide, Act (OODA)
career compensation act
Career Incentive Act
Arms Export Control Act, the
MacMahon Act
Selected Draft Act