засоби індивідуального бронезахисту (бронежилет); броньований панцир
tactical vest, assault vest
Virtus body armour, Virtus Scalable Tactical Vest (STV)
armor vest
combat body armour (CBA), body armour
drop head body (drop-head body)
wing-to-body fairing / wing-body fairing
armored vest
bulletproof vest
pierce a bullet-proof vest
assault vest
LBV / load bearing vest
multicam combat vest
tactical vest
thermal undershirt / vest / top
winter underwear vest
standard navy preserver (vest type with collar)
vest battery pack
vest with authority
vest command (in)
flak vest
Kevlar vest
battery vest
flight vest
armor piercing projectile / armor-piercing projectile
armor kill / armor killing area
after body
after body fairing
body bag
body of a chart
body of the order
bomb body (casing)