(брит.) зимова утеплена майка старішого зразка (з бавовни)
winter underwear drawers ‘long johns’
tactical vest, assault vest
thermal trousers / long johns / underwear drawers
thermal underwear
general Winter
winter capacity
winter laying-up of vehicle
winter lubrication transfer
winter operation
winter solstice
winter clothing
winter equipment
winter field fortification
winter quarters
winter rates of issue
winter training exercise
winter uniform
winter warfare
into winter cantonment
armored vest
body armor / vest
bulletproof vest
pierce a bullet-proof vest
assault vest
LBV / load bearing vest
multicam combat vest
tactical vest
thermal undershirt / vest / top
Virtus body armour, Virtus Scalable Tactical Vest (STV)
standard navy preserver (vest type with collar)
vest battery pack
vest with authority