льотний розвантажувальний жилет (tbc)
tactical vest, assault vest
armored vest
body armor / vest
bulletproof vest
pierce a bullet-proof vest
assault vest
LBV / load bearing vest
multicam combat vest
tactical vest
thermal undershirt / vest / top
Virtus body armour, Virtus Scalable Tactical Vest (STV)
winter underwear vest
standard navy preserver (vest type with collar)
vest battery pack
vest with authority
armor vest
vest command (in)
flak vest
Kevlar vest
battery vest
flight restriction zone / flight restricted zone (FRZ)
aerial refueling / air refueling / in-flight refueling (IFR) / air-to-air refueling (AAR)
angled flight deck
assigned flight level
canted flight deck
contact flight
current flight plan (CPL)
Driven Ammunition, Reduced Time of flight (DART)
flight control
flight data processing (FDP)
flight gear
flight information centre