боєприпаси для ураження особового складу; протипіхотні боєприпаси
antipersonnel bomb cluster
antipersonnel minefield
antipersonnel obstacle
antipersonnel obstacle breaching system (APOBS)
high explosive antipersonnel
high explosive antitank and antipersonnel head
antipersonnel prefragmented bouncing mine
antipersonnel blast mine
antipersonnel flechette round
directional antipersonnel weapon
Allied Ammunition Storage and Safety Publications (AASTP)
ammo pouch (ammunition pouch)
ammunition (ammo)
ammunition bearer
ammunition belt
ammunition box
ammunition consumption
ammunition drum
ammunition dump
ammunition handling and storage system
ammunition pouch
ammunition section
ammunition ship (AE)
ammunition storage point (ASP)
ammunition stowage
ammunition-carrying capacity
armor-piercing ammunition
battle scale of ammunition
blank ammunition
blunt impact ammunition
bomb-type ammunition