Allied Ammunition Storage and Safety Publications (AASTP)
Публікації щодо зберігання та безпеки боєприпасів союзників (НАТО)
Публікації щодо зберігання та безпеки боєприпасів союзників (НАТО)
Allied ammunitions storage and transport publication (AASTP )
Mass storage mode can not be activated because the storage device is not ready
safety and arming device / safety-and-arming device
Publications and Distribution Section (NATO)
technical review of updated manuals and publications
ammunition handling and storage system
NATO Security Principles for the Storage of Military Ammunition and Explosives
ammunition and explosives storage
special weapons project technical publications
Defense Nuclear Agency - Technical Publications
index of technical publications
technical publications announcements
ammunition storage point (ASP)
ammunition explosive storage category
Specialist glossary of terms and definitions on ammunition safety
Allied Joint Doctrine for Air and Space Operations (AJP-3.3)
Allied Joint Doctrine for the Military Contribution to Stabilization and Reconstruction (AJP-3.4.5)
blood storage and distribution
containerized shipping, storage, and launch frame
fuel storage and distribution system