повітряно-наземна операція
no man's land / no-man's land
air land team
air, land, and maritime domains
air-land battle
air-land Integration (ALI)
air-land task force
land, sea, and air warfare
land-based naval air forces
land-based tactical air forces
Navy SEALs (SEa, Air, Land)
recognized picture (air, land, maritime, SF)
Sea, Air and Land (SEAL)
Sea, Air, Land team (SEAL)
special operations air land integration
land sea air operations
air-to-surface land mine
sea-air-land team
air cum land forces
air-land exercise
by air, water or land
clandestine operation; covert operation
humanitarian operation; humanitarian relief operation (HUMRO)
PZ operation (pick-up zone operation)
noncombatant evacuation operation (NEO); non-combat evacuation operation
defensive air-to-air operation
acquisition of land / territory
Allied Joint Doctrine for Land Operations (AJP-3.2)
arable land
Army (ground forces / land forces)
atomic demolition munition(s) (ADMs), ‘nuclear land mines’
Commander-in-Chief Land Forces