захоплення території; заволодіння територією
acquisition of land
no man's land / no-man's land
enemy-held territory
hostile territory
incursion into enemy territory
state territory
swift entry into hostile territory
territory transfer
insert special forces teams into enemy territory
aerodrome adjacent territory
densely populated (densely-populated) area (region) / territory / country
absorption of territory
armor territory (terrain)
Russian-held territory
take back territory
uncharted territory
acquisition and tracking radar
acquisition by conquest
acquisition category (ACAT)
acquisition logistics
acquisition of arms
acquisition of personnel
acquisition phase
acquisition practice
acquisition time
acquisition, technology, and logistics (AT&L)
data acquisition and recording system (DARS)
Defense Acquisition Executive (DAE)
information acquisition / collection / gathering
infrared acquisition system
intelligence acquisition phase
reconnaissance, surveillance, and target acquisition (RSTA)