тактичні повітряні сили наземного базування
land-based naval air forces
Army (ground forces / land forces)
land-based ICBM force
land-based lower layer (LBLL)
land-based missile
land-based missile system
land-based mobile missile system
land-based upper layer (LBUL)
no man's land / no-man's land
air cum land forces
Commander-in-Chief Land Forces
land forces
company tactical group / company tactical team
tactical nuclear forces (TNF)
tactical theater nuclear forces (TTNF)
air-based missile
Ground Based Air Defenses (GBAD)
ground-based forward air controller
carrier-based air power
ground-based air defense system
shore based air (aircraft)
shore-based air unit
Air Force tactical air direction net
naval surface forces, surface fleet, surface forces
air land team
air, land, and maritime domains
air-land battle
air-land Integration (ALI)
air-land operation
air-land task force
land, sea, and air warfare