Всесвітня географічна система координат
world geographic reference system
attitude-and-heading reference system / attitude and heading reference system (AHRS)
geographic reference
world geodetic system (WGS)
world geodetic system
geographic coordinate system
geographic Cartesian system
Geographic Information System (GIS)
World Food Programme (WFP)
world war
drone war (world’s first drone war)
World area forecast center
world map of principal aeronautical features
world meteorological organization (WMO)
world-wide communication
World Weather Watch
world aeronautical chart
world fallout
world polyconic grid
geographic coordinates
geographic feature
geographic information (GEOINFO)
specified geographic area
geographic(al) latitude
geographic(al) longitude
electronic geographic coordinate navigation
geographic barrier
geographic situation (GeoSit)
grid reference system
guidance reference system
military grid reference system (MGRS)
numbered reference position system