географічні дані
Geographic Information System (GIS)
geographic coordinate system
geographic coordinates
geographic feature
specified geographic area
World Geographic Reference System (WGRS); georef
geographic Cartesian system
geographic(al) latitude
geographic(al) longitude
electronic geographic coordinate navigation
world geographic reference system
geographic barrier
geographic reference
geographic situation (GeoSit)
compartmented information (sensitive compartmented information [SCI])
according to information received
active public information policy
air electronic guidance information system (AEGIS)
Allied press information centre
All-Purpose Structured EUROCONTROL Radar Information Exchange (ASTERIX)
armaments information management system (AIMS)
army information program
artillery counterfire information form
Automated Command and Control Information System (ACCIS)
background information
battlefield information collection and exploitation system
battlefield information control system
chief information officer (CIO)
chief of information
classified information
clearing house (for information sharing)
combat information center (CIC)