польова оборонна споруда для зимових умов
field fortification
deliberate field fortification
compound (fortification)
engineered fortification
semipermanent fortification
permanent fortification
shore fortification
general Winter
winter underwear drawers ‘long johns’
winter underwear vest
winter capacity
winter laying-up of vehicle
winter lubrication transfer
winter operation
winter solstice
winter clothing
winter equipment
winter quarters
winter rates of issue
winter training exercise
winter uniform
winter warfare
into winter cantonment
field officer (field-grade officer / senior officer)
combat field pack, field pack
air support field pack, field pack air support, airborne / para (air support) / Pathfinder Bergen
combination field and field-off duty uniform
acoustic field
antiamphibious minefield (anti-amphibious mine field)
army in the field
command field exercise (CFX)