клин затвора
wedge-type breech mechanism
vertical wedge-type breech mechanism
vertically-operated wedge-type breech mechanism
horizontal sliding wedge-type breech
wedge (arm locking wedge)
breech block pivoted below the level of the chamber
blow-back breech block
breech block
breech-block carrier
breech-block crank
breech-block detent
vertical sliding breech-block system
face of breech block
wedge-type breechblock
cylinder block (engine block)
feed block slide (feed-block-actuating slide)
block-type injection pump
hairpin-type road block
drive a wedge
wedge breechblock
wedge formation
side cap; garrison / flight cap (US); wedge cap (Canada); field service cap (UK)
fire team wedge
adjuster wedge recess
adjuster wedge
breechblock wedge
correction wedge scale
correction wedge shaft
deflecting wedge
deploy into a wedge formation
drive wedge