затворний механізм
breech block pivoted below the level of the chamber
blow-back breech block
breech-block carrier
breech-block crank
breech-block detent
wedge-type breech-block
vertical sliding breech-block system
face of breech block
cylinder block (engine block)
feed block slide (feed-block-actuating slide)
breech face
breech mechanism
breech ring (of firearm)
breech screw
breech-loading gun
lever breech mechanism (LBM)
breech loaded
breech piece socket
breech boresight
closed-breech scavenger system
breech and barrel assy
breech assembly
breech blast
breech carrier plate
breech casing
breech casing (of quick-firing ordnance)
breech chamber
breech cleaning brush
breech detail
breech end
breech end of barrel