розвертатися (розгортатися) клином / кутом уперед
deploy into a V formation
vee formation / V-Formation / V Formation
fingertip formation / finger-four formation / four finger formation
wedge (arm locking wedge)
wedge formation
inverted wedge formation
shake out into (a fighting) formation
shake out into formation
deploy a parachute
deploy for combat
deploy for action
deploy in battle order
force the enemy to deploy early
drive a wedge
wedge breechblock
side cap; garrison / flight cap (US); wedge cap (Canada); field service cap (UK)
fire team wedge
adjuster wedge recess
adjuster wedge
breechblock wedge
correction wedge scale
correction wedge shaft
wedge-type breech mechanism
wedge-type breech-block
wedge-type breechblock
deflecting wedge
drive wedge
vertical wedge-type breech mechanism
vertically-operated wedge-type breech mechanism
expanding-wedge brake