Попереджає, коли включається режим безаварійності (безвідмовності)
Warns when flip over after crash mode is activated
Warns when GPS Rescue is disabled
failsafe settings
Always check that your Failsafe is working properly!
Delay for turning off the Motors during Failsafe
Enter failsafe stage X manually
Failsafe configuration has changed considerably
Failsafe is active
Failsafe Kill Switch
Failsafe Mode
Failsafe only
Failsafe Switch
Failsafe Switch Action
Failsafe Throttle Low Delay (seconds)
setup Failsafe in Modes Tab
Period of time in Stage 1 failsafe after signal loss (seconds)
Receiver failsafe
Failsafe Procedure
Your receiver has just recovered from receiver failsafe but the arm switch is on