програма добровільного військового навчання
InformNapalm volunteer intelligence community
volunteer battalion
volunteer certificate
volunteer reconnaissance and assault brigade named after the Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky (Nevsky Squad)
Volunteer Air Reserve
volunteer officer candidate
volunteer reserve
Volunteer Reserve Marine Corps
Volunteer Reserve Navy
volunteer retirement eligibility
Russian Volunteer Corps (RVC / RDK)
part time soldier (volunteer)
army volunteer reserve
all-volunteer force
foreign area specialist training program
special training enlistment program
live-fire training (field-fire training)
army correspondence program
army information program
army legal assistance program
army reserve enlistment program
community support program
contingency response program
critical program information
Medical Civil Action Program (MEDCAP)
military assistance program
physical fitness program
program load unit (PLU)
program objective memorandum (POM)
repair program