кандидат в офіцери з числа добровольців
Army Officer Candidate School
Navy Officer Candidate School
officer candidate school
JFO-E candidate eligibility
candidate for recruitment
cadet candidate
Release And Release Candidate
field officer (field-grade officer / senior officer)
InformNapalm volunteer intelligence community
volunteer battalion
volunteer certificate
volunteer reconnaissance and assault brigade named after the Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky (Nevsky Squad)
Volunteer Air Reserve
volunteer reserve
Volunteer Reserve Marine Corps
Volunteer Reserve Navy
volunteer retirement eligibility
volunteer training program
Russian Volunteer Corps (RVC / RDK)
part time soldier (volunteer)
army volunteer reserve
all-volunteer force
non-commissioned officer (NCO) / noncomissioned officer
above water warfare officer
Air Force Officer Training School
air liaison officer (ALO)
air officer`s guide
airlift duty officer
anti-submarine warfare officer
assignment officer